Attack of the killer bicycle kitten

We found this stray cat prowling around when we brought our newly borrowed bikes back to the dorm. It almost attacked Nora and Tara. Or maybe it was politely asking for food... hard to tell.
The Chinese are really on to something with this bicycle thing... maybe it will catch on in America as gas prices rise.
And once again a walk through Shanghai bombards the senses with sights, sounds, and SMELLS.
We changed some money, I'll probably go back to the Bank of China tomorrow to open an account so i can get an ATM card. And then buy everything. Cheapest. Goods. Ever. Example: 500mL bottle of coke: 1.50 yuan.
It was a long afternoon.
Jason Melville, buy me cool chinese things. i can't think of what exactly....something involving funny english words on a t-shirt, i'm thinking.... ;-)
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