
Nanjing Road
There it is. That picture almost comes close to illustrating Nanjing Road. Also, there's another story I forgot to tell. After I bought my shoes, I was walking around by myself for a little bit, since the others abandoned me while I was in the shoe store. I was approached by another Chinese guy around my age, maybe a little younger. To my relief, he wasn't selling anything:
"Hallo. I have a question. A-D-D-I-E-S. How you say?"
"A-D-D-I-E-S?" (I thought for a moment he was trying to spell adidas)
"No, A-D-D-I-E-S."
I gave him a puzzled look. He pulled out his cell phone, and spelled it out on the screen. ADDRESS.
"Ohhhhhh... ADDRESS"
Close enough. He said thanks and walked away. An hour later, I hear someone behind me shouting:
"Addrress! Addrress!"
I gave him a thumbs up. "Hao le!"
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